Wednesday 1 December 2021

Sierra de Espunas, Murcia, Spain

 On Tuesday 30th November the sun shone from a clear sky and with a light wind. Temperatures upon Sierra de Espunas could be rising from around 8 degrees. The three of us Trevor - now released from bondage in UK, Bryan and myself took the decision to try our luck. 

We met in San Miguel at 7.30 and were climbing up the mountain from 9am. Our target birds were Ring Ouzels - Mirlo Capiblanco and wintering thrushes and anything else like Brambling - Pinzon Real or Siskin - Lugano.

We found a sweet spot on the way up when Bryan’s sharp eyes briefly saw an Alpine Accentor - Acentor Alpino flick up from the side of the road. Enough to say yes, but although we spent more time there no more sight of it. 

However we spotted the following:

Tree Creeper - Agateador Común 

Crested Tit - Herrerillo Capuchino

Chaffinch - Pinzon Vulgar

Crossbill - Piquituerto Común 

Blackbird - Mirlo

Further up we took advantage of the vista from the mirador. There was nothing large in the sky yet, but in a tree a very photographically male Crossbill. On the wires six more of both sexes with an immature. By this time we had fly pasts of Mistletoe Thrush - Zorzal Charló , one Jay - Arrendajoand several Red Squirels chasing each other up the pine trunks.

Carrying on we parked to commence a walk up to where we hoped Ring Ouzels - and anything else would be. Looking up we saw Fieldfares - Zorzal Real and Ring Ouzels fly down from where we intended to walk. Chaffinches - Pinzon Vulgar and Goldfinch - Jilguero too.

Cutting a longish story short work was in progress in restoring a ice-cave just where we wanted to sit, wait and watch. No peace or birds with that racket going on!

The Tit family obliged us except for Blue Tit - Herrerillo Común and as always Long-tailed Tits - Mito were great to hear and see.

There we many small birds in and around the pines and with more time we would have dwelt more. On the way down an Iberian Green Woodpecker - Pinto Real flew and landed on the side of a pine. I didn’t expect to see one up there. There has always got to be a high spot in the day and flying over and around a ridge were two Golden Eagles - Águila Real with one being ‘mobbed’ by a Peregrin Falcon - Halcón Peregrino. What a splendid sight.

At the Mirador again a Fieldfare perched in dappled light for the photographer.

We decided to gave Saladares de Guadalentin and proved in the winter sun, even in mid afternoon, it is worth a look. Four birds of note popped up including a male Dartford Warbler - one Spectacled - Curraca Tomillera and two more that we discussed and homework for me! It was thought (maybe) a female Sardinian - Curraca Cabecinegra and one more Dartford - Curraca Rabilarga You cannot take your eyes off these small birds.

We were delighted to see a Hare - Liebre bounded down the track in front of us. Only our second mammal but Cabra Montes were seen up the mountain.

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