Tuesday 14 December 2021



Day 14 - Help to reset the fashion industry

Watch our inspiring short film, featuring Mei Ling, a garment worker in Vietnam and join our campaign to new and better world the reality for garment workers across the world.

Covid-19 has exposed the deep inequalities of the fashion industry. We estimate that garment workers are owed $11 billion in unpaid wages from the first year of the pandemic alone, and this figure is set to rise. And during the first year of the pandemic, garment workers were robbed of at least half a billion dollars in legally owed severance. These workers were already just surviving on poverty wages before the pandemic.

It’s time for a reset in the fashion industry.

We think this is a crucial opportunity to campaign for a complete shift in the fashion industry, and to showcase the importance of living wages, transparency and safety at work for garment workers. We want to inspire and motivate activists, new and old, to back a new industry, which tackles global inequality and puts workers first, rather than profit.

If you share our vision of the way things should be, share our video and join our online community today.

Together, we are stronger, and we can be part of the way things should be.

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