Saturday 11 May 2024



Dear John,

Species across the UK are struggling; from Juniper in Southern England to Oak Polypore Fungus in Wales to One-flowered Wintergreen in Scotland. We are taking action for species at risk of disappearing from our landscapes and I wanted to say a big thank you to those of you who have already donated, so far we've raised over £40,000 to help species. 

One of Plantlife's greatest success stories is Fen Orchid. 
Fen Orchid Liparis loeselii, which was one of the most endangered wildflowers in Europe, may soon be removed from the Red List for both England and Great Britain thanks to a decade of successful conservation efforts led by Plantlife - be part of more success stories like these by donating today.
I'd like to help
One-flowered Wintergreen is heading for extinction in Scotland but we are taking action

We are still trying to figure out the mystery of the One-flowered Wintergreen and why we’ve lost about half of its population in the last 50 years, leaving about seven sites remaining.

Disturbance to the soil surface, through trial cattle grazing in woodland and after Rhododendron removal, has yielded rapid results. Previously no successful translocations have been carried out for this delicate white flower but we are learning about its needs and pioneering new techniques to help it recover. Help us do more work like this.

We’ve been working with partners like the RSPB to trial translocations and management changes.

"The advice and support we received from Plantlife during the recent One-flowered Wintergreen translocations at RSPB Abernethy was invaluable. Their ongoing commitment to work in partnership alongside our reserve team gives us huge confidence in the long-term monitoring of the project and that the translocation will ultimately prove to be a success. We would love to work with Plantlife again soon."
Chris Tilbury, Assistant Warden, RSPB Abernethy

You can read more about One-flowered Wintergreen and our work to save it here.
Donating today will help us take action for the unsung heroes of our ecosystems, wild plants and fungi.  

Thank you

Alastair Moralee
Head of Species and Sites

Image: Pasqueflower © Andy Byfield/Plantlife, Fen Orchid © Tim Pankhurst/Plantlife, One-flowered Wintergreen © Keilidh Ewan/Plantlife, (clockwise from top left): Surveying at Thetford Warren © Julia Masson, harvesting Juniper berries © Plantlife, planting Pasqueflower © Plantlife , Highland Cows grazing © Matt Pitts/Plantlife, clearing Gorse to help Wood Bitter Vetch © Andrew Kearsey/Plantlife and Dr Chris Cockel processing Juniper berries © Kew

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