Thursday 18 January 2024


 And as we explained in that same post, every single penny we’re raising through those 500 paid subscriptions is going straight into our Protecting the Wild Equipment Fund - putting ‘eyes in the field’ and empowering people to protect British wildlife by providing groups with much-needed kit like radios, camcorders, trailcams - and of course bodycams.

Used by the police, security guards, and front-line personnel across the UK, bodycams are an incredibly important tool for monitors and sabs because of the deterrent effect they offer and the evidence they can gather. When violent hunt staff or supporters get it into their heads to ‘teach an anti a lesson’ for simply trying to uphold the law and protect wildlife, there is nothing like seeing the blinking red light on an active bodycam to make them think twice (not that that dissuades all the time of course, the most thuggish of terriermen aren’t renowned for even thinking once let alone allowing concerns about lawbreaking and evidence gathering to get in their way…).

Derby Hunt Sabs encounter a lot of these unlovable ‘countryfolk’ as they work to protect wildlife from the likes of the Barlow Hunt (whose annual fundraiser was cancelled just last week after a concerted effort led by Derby Hunt Sabs - see GOOD NEWS: Chesterfield FC shows Barlow Hunt red card) and the notorious Wynnstay Hunt, former home of serial criminal Chris Woodward (see What did it take to convict huntsman Chris Woodward?) and supported by seig heiling Ian Jones (see - Nazi salute hunt supporter pleads guilty to harassment). 

When the sabs asked us if we would supply them with new bodycams we swung straight into action and within just a few days the group had received them.

Not only have Protect the Wild been a great support with our recent campaign asking Chesterfield FC to cancel the Barlow Hunt’s Ball, but they have also recently provided us with some body cameras. As well as filming evidence of illegal activity, hunt sabs require bodycams for their own protection. Despite us taking non-violent action against the hunt, we find ourselves on the receiving end of aggression from members of the hunt and their support.  

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