Wednesday 2 September 2020

Slow Progress to Prevent Wildlife Killing

Attitudes slide to change similar to an old steam locomotive that chuffs up a gradient. Help needed all the way. Systemic prejudice of who rules the land holds firm. An inherent belief that landowners can do what they like is being eroded. Slowly. 


Petitions, enquiries, reviews, interviews, rural groups and action groups designed to challenge the status quo are our there. Voices raised in protest, murals on walls Banksy’ style is what we want more of to persuade the legislators and parliaments to bring into effect laws and punishments to protect mammals and birds that should be free to roam.


As Scottish Legislators sit on their arses the slaughter of Mountain hares resumed on 1st August.

Many care, but not enough of those that are elected members in Parliament seem to care enough.  Firstly they appear to be members of a supporting group who carry on to allow the systematic killing of things of beauty. Our wildlife. We have to keep the protest going loudly. Shout more and often.

Wear the slogans. T’ shirts for what we believe in. They are in the post. Paint murals everywhere we legitimately can.


The Scotsman has recently said that one individual over a period of 128 days by walking on certain grouse moors has recorded with GPS the position of traps. He estimates that between 120,000 to 260,00 animals are killed. My comment is that this is indiscriminate and industrial killing that has got to be stopped. Cruel and disgusting. There are nice people out there too.


Also the British Mountaineering Council have stated very clearly their views on wildlife crime.

Below are their own bullet points.

It seems that there are many people and many groups working to restrain the shooting industry and their total disregard for wildlife in general.

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