Thursday 23 May 2013

MAGIC IN AMSTERDAM - Episode Three of SleepyTime’s and Harold’s Bear Adventures

ST has been to Amsterdam yet again. We need not have worried for they behaved impeccably – well almost. The reason for this journey was for a wedding and not anything to do with either ST or Harry but how could we leave them at home on their own. We could not, so they had to come. Air travel is so easy when you have small bears that enhance the hand luggage, peeping out with their cheeky grins and the odd wink to a friendly face. The winker was Harry, of course, because he has two lovely deep brown eyes and ST has not leant to wink with his one good eye. It really is so sad that he has impaired vision but miracles can happen.

It was great for our two Teds had a whale of a time. They needed ‘bear magic’. They puffed themselves up, in Harry’s case, to a sensible one metre seventy five. His athletic build, composure and ‘chatability’ gave him an edge with the girls – they were safe of course!

ST looked stunning. A tad just below two metres, artistic bearing but still looking gaunt, swanned around the room at the reception talking to everyone that would give him time. He dressed with style in a natty grey suit and he even wore a tie. A matching Trilby topped him off with elegance.

They lapped up the love and tenderness at the ceremony, listened to the toasts and speeches, tucked in at the barbeque and then when the music started they were there right up to the end. By then, ST, was almost out on his feet, stamina not yet returned but Harry still had energy left for Meatloaf’s ‘Paradise by the Dash-board Light’.

Then it happened. A showman has to put on a show and Harry proved that he can do that. This Ted clearly is ‘Hot-Property’. Off came his signature yellow bear scarf, whirling it above his head he gyrated around. Then he dispensed with his pointed shiny shoes followed by him undoing the buttons on a very stylish shirt exposing magically ordered chest hair. Shirt off, belt loosened, trousers wriggled out of and they followed in the path of the whirring scarf. Hips demanding that feet stamped out his rhythm as he sang. Well, he certainly ‘flew the flag’ with his Union Jack socks with matching Calvin Kleins. That is style for you. The Bride and Groom danced with him, loving every second.

We left them, those two fantastic Teds, as they wanted to go clubbing. I was not concerned for they were in safe hands and how could you get into any sort of trouble in this city? They were back in time for breakfast, more magic was ordered, deflation occurred, then they popped themselves into a ‘carry-on’. Job done – and now for the flight home with more adventures still to come.

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