Tuesday 10 September 2024


 Harmony in the natural world is only possible if we can co-exist with it. 

It is not about us humans it is about the planet at large. That is what re-wilding can do but surely not alongside supporting hunting with dogs.

I was born in the time when hunting, shooting and fishing were considered normal country pursuits. I can also remember seeing the otter hounds meeting outside of what was then named, ‘the Foley Arms’ and to travel more than a mile to the River Frome down at Yarkhiil in Herefordshire. As young as I was did I wonder why? Or had I been indoctrinated by the culture that surrounded me then?

There has been continual periods of change and progress in medicine and technology but there seems to still be the insatiable urge to hunt, chase until death comes, with hounds and riders in coloured jackets. There is unlawful activity taking place in rural England. The Hunt Saboteurs report so much that it is disconcerting to hear about when so much arrogance is displayed by hunters and supporters.  The Hunting Act, 2004, (eventually past although with immense controversy) made the hunting with dogs illegal. Many will say the act has been abused mainly with so called ‘trail hunting’.. The misnomer of trail hunting has given the hunters the screen to still hunt and kill foxes.

I have written before on feudality, the behaviour of landowners and the acceptance by many that have become normalised by culture, tradition and the power of the few over the many. To me that is abhorrent.

The last few lines I now refer directly to the Knepp Estate that have championed re-wilding Isabella Tree in her book, Wilding, has set this out in detail. Her husband Charles Burrell is the 10th Baronet to reside at Knepp. That fact is the nub of the problem. Those families who were bequeathed estates centuries ago can still do what they want to do. I am not forgetting ‘new money’ either that can behave with the same arrogance and exert their influence.

Now to the Crawley & Horsham Hunt. One of the directors is MW Burrell Esq. DL and Lady Louise Burrell MFH is a joint master. The opening meet is welcomed onto the Knepp Estate where they can operate in an area where so much good activity has been done. It is no wonder to me why they are welcome with names like those listed. It seems that feudality, custom and tradition prevail.

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