Sunday 1 September 2024



A look back at our work this month

This month we really ramped up our efforts in taking on the Badger cull. We joined the brilliant Betty Badger several times outside DEFRA to hold them to account for overseeing the continuation of the cruel and costly cull. We even tried handing in our petition signed by our supporters but were told to post it instead! Later on in the month Protect the Wild took part in a staged die-in outside the London offices, resulting in the powerful scene above.

Brian May: The Badgers, The Farmers and Me

If you haven't already we would strongly recommend checking out Sir Brian May's BBC Documentary focusing on the spread of TB and how for over a decade Badgers have been unfairly blamed. We were proud to have our undercover footage of the handling of Badger carcasses used in the show so look out for that too!
There's nothing 'glorious' about the Inglorious 12th
Our latest animated work focused on the start of the grouse shooting season. Narrated by the brilliant Chris Packham the powerful short film highlights the destruction caused by this cruel pastime, from the environmental damage to the landscape, the war on foxes and other mammals, to the decimation of birds of prey. You can watch it here if you haven't already.
New survey commissioned by Protect the Wild exposes the 'trail hunt' smokescreen yet again
    A new survey taken earlier this month by Survation on behalf of Protect the Wild revealed that only 18% of the public believes that trail hunting is NOT a smokescreen to get around the ban on hunting wild animals with dogs. The majority of the public also believes there must be stronger legislation to protect wildlife.
    Action for Wildlife Day at Carsington Water!
    On 10th August myself and Charlie from Protect the Wild went to the brilliant Action for Wildlife Day organised by Hen Harrier Action. The day saw lots of talks from all sorts of wildlife campaigners as well as the chance to meet supporters and talk about our ongoing work and projects. It was fantastic to be amongst so many caring individuals and we were proud to be one of the headline sponsors of the event.
    Huge numbers of people are seeing our work and being exposed to issues of wildlife persecution!
    • Across August we published 24 articles (viewed over 900,000 times) covering everything from evidence that the new Scottish hunting law is already being flouted by hunts to a passionate guest blog detailing the awful killing of Stags in the west country.
    • And in the last 28 days on Facebook we saw 3.3 million impressions, on X we saw 2.1 million impressions and on Instagram we saw 433k views of our content.

    We really are empowering people to protect British Wildlife!

    And we are so incredibly proud to say that all of the above is only made possible thanks to the support of our incredible community.

    We don’t have any big donors or govt funding of any kind. We rely solely on thousands of compassionate people all chipping in to make our work a reality. And we continue to go from strength to strength.

    If you can afford to do and aren't already please consider donating an hour's wage to us each month, it’ll help secure our future and ensure we can continue to fight hard to protect British Wildlife. 

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