Saturday 2 October 2021


 What a very good day for 1st October to go birding again. Clot de Galvany was our target for a couple of hours. Work is still carrying on and so there is some disturbance with hardly anything showing on the top pool. However where the new hide and lagoons are we had an excellent clear view of a Squacco Heron - Garcilla Cangrejera. Another one was in the reeds further away.

It’s always the company that makes it for an enjoyable and so we had a fun morning. The large hide was where we went sat and observed. Bryan searched continuously for the Ferruginous -  Porrón  Pardo but it could have been in the other water further away. There was a large number of White-headed Ducks - Malvasia Cabeciblanca  with some Shovelers - Cuchara Común, Common Pochard - Porrón Europea and we counted a line of six Gadwell - Ánade Friso Little Grebes - Zampullin Común were accompanied by many more Black-necked Grebe - Cuellinegro. 

We had fun again with identification and our third Osprey - Águila Pescador of the week turned out to a pale morph Booted Eagle - Águililla Calzado. And that explains why it did not fly over the lagoon! It was distant so we will claim an excuse!

Bryan’s old camera proved the point. We only declare what we know. No bullshit just facts. Marsh Harriers Aguilucho Luganero hunted over the reeds. 

Perched high up in a waterside tree was one very obvious Heron. We concluded that it was a juvenile Purple Heron - Garza Imperiel biding its time before flying south. So that was definitely our bird of the day.

There were many stars out there as many hirundines were feeding over the water. Barn Swallows - Golondrina Común, even a House Martin - Avion Común or two and some Sand Martins - Avion Zapador as well. So wonderful to see them and enjoyable as we might not have a fly past next week.

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