Friday 27 November 2020


 Thursday 26th October was a cool cloudy day with some rain forecast, although little came and the sun shone in the afternoon.

We had scored before 9 o’clock with three Kestrels - Cernícalo Vulgar and a flying dark morph Booted Eagle - Águila Calzado. We don't see them that often but they are around. In the distance a big one with two smaller in attendance. We could not ID it but it could have been…..although we still thought he was in Germany, but Mark thinks otherwise. Oh well, next time then.

We headed for San Felipe Neri and as we approached the gates to the visitor centre a flock of 30-40 ‘finches’ were feeding in the car park. Bryan checked through them, located two vivid Greenfinches - Verderón, one Meadow Pipit - Bisbita Común and the remainder were Linnet - Pardillo Común. What a show they made when feeding amongst the low vegetation and flying up and around and returning. They were a good start for our visit and it did get better.

In the enclosed pond 24 Marble Duck/Teal - Cerceta Pardilla with Coots and Moorhens.

We didn't know what to expect, but knew that we should get out before the rains come. The lagoons around the visitor centre have yielded little as they had become over grown. But not now. The water level has been lowered to only shallow pools and all the edges had been cut. A machine had been into the lagoons and reduced much of the reed although allowing islands of vegetation. Now we have areas of mud.

                                                    “Mud, mud, glorious mud.

                                       Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood”

After being disappointed here before we now had what the birds wanted. A place to feed where we could see them. Two Snipe - Agachadiza Común hunched down and several Purple Gallinules - Calamin Común were easily seen. On the board walk we were able to observe areas of mud. One group of plovers - one Ringed Plover - Chorlitejo Grande with three Little Ringed Plovers - Chorlitejo Chico fed together. One Greenshank - Archibebe Claro showed.

A flock of twenty strong small waders flew around and when settled Bryan picked out four Dunlin - Correlimos Común with the remainder being Little Stint - Correlimos Común Add into that mix the occasional Kingfisher - Martin Pescador calling and flying through. On the right side numerous Glossy Ibis - Morito Común.

There were many species here and we searched for the elusive Crake - Polluela, but without success. Water  Pipits - Bisbita Alpino ten in number fed all around and Bluethroat - Pechiazul called, but were never that obvious. Surprisingly not many Chiffs - Mosquitero Común. Amongst the Common Coots - Focha Común and Moorhens - Gallineta Común we located two Red-knobbed/Red Crested - Focha  Muruna.

We kept a watch on the sky. Marsh Harriers - Aguilucho Luganero Occidental and in their hundreds Crag Martins - Avión Roquero. Scores of them were flying over the far lagoon feeding just above the water. We had cracking views of them. Every where we went White Wagtails - Lavandero Blanca were there and in one field recently mown seemingly hundreds. Not so numerous were Black Redstarts - Colirrijo Tizón and Bryan got his super shot of a male. We had been looking and with the greater number being female. Both sexes stunning birds.

The other lagoons were relatively quiet with nothing exceptional but it was good to see Teal - Cerceta Común in small numbers only. As we approached the hide a Water Rail - Rascón Europeo called and so did a Little Bittern - Avetorillo Común.

At Santa Águada we had a good view of one Blue Throat. There was working occurring on both the hides and the noise may have prevented some species staying out of sight. However, it was gratifying to know that the Valencia Community are doing the necessary remedial work. I know that some moan about what is being done or not being done, but we welcome it. Only one Common Buzzard - Busardo Ratonero. 

We called in to El Pinet and again saw one Grey Plover - Chorlito Gris and apart from the usual nothing else of note. We scanned the ocean quickly, but within minutes we were on our way home after our longest spell out for a long time.

I have not listed every species that we saw, but rest assured the regulars were there. I can think of scores of species that we could have see, but didn't. There were many obvious ones missing too.

We looked for those two Cranes - Grulla Común, but perhaps we were in the wrong place. Apparently they are at Corral Rubio with a Greylag!

Heavy rain was due to fall afterwards and we will be keen to get back out and see what else we can see. This day ranks with our best mornings at Clot de Galvany but with more mud and more birds. We’ll have to do it again on Monday.

Regards to Mark after his op and when we get the opportunity Bryan may get that shot of GSE. Anyway enjoy the write up and keep well.

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