Wednesday 11 November 2020


Tuesday 10th November was a glorious sunny day on the Costa Blanca in and around Gran Alicant. Bryan always has targets in mind and we scored early when we pulled into the entrance opposite the turn for Playa Lisa. 

It has proved to be a very good location and before we got out of the car there was a Sardinian Warbler -  Curruca Cabecinegra and a Zitting Cisticola - Buitrón on the track in front of us. Bryan’s highly tuned ears soon picked up calling Penduline Tits - Pájaro Moscón and we spent several minutes walking, listening, and watching this species. It is clear to us that there are a number here and also at Santa Águada. 

On the water not a lot. Four Red Crested Pochard - Pato Colorado which were our first viewings for some time. A Water Rail - Rascón Europeo called. One Audouins Gull.   On the Salinas side were other Gulls, but nothing out of the ordinary. There were a small number of distant waders. 

On a far away pylon was one lone Raptor. We thought and hoped for it to be a Peregrine - Halcón Peregrino but when it flew it had to be an Osprey -  Águila Pescador. We later had nearer views of one and this could have been the same bird or possibly another one. Maybe they will be over wintering here instead of flying on to West Africa.

The Salt Tower lay-by and The Stones Pull off yielded a very distant Marsh Harrier Aguilucho Luganero Occidental. In the far distant fourteen Spoonbill -  Espátula Común and four Great White Egrets Garceta Grande. And just one Great Crested Grebe - Somolomujo Lavanco Where have  the others gone? Perched on posts were eight Cormorant - Cormorán Grande. We were disappointed to see hardly any ducks. Bryan spotted several Kentish Plovers - Chorlitejo Patinegro as we past by on N 332.

El Pinet was next where Bryan photographed a nearby Avocet. Avoceta . Four Dunlin - Correlimos  Común were on an island. Again nothing exceptional here or at the beach. We had decided to put some ‘sea-watching’ into our trip and it was only worth it for the excellent coffee as we gazed out to sea. As we left, perched on a Palm stump one lovely Little Owl - Mochuelo Europea. Photographed of course.

Next, we went to the mouth of Rio Segura with the intention of seeing what was out there. Distant Gulls (Gaviotas) and nothing else except people! The tide seemed to be in so the islands in the estuary were submerged. Not a bloody wader in sight! But we always see something good. In one small bush a Sardinian Warbler called and so did a Cetti's - Ruiseñor Bastardo. The latter is a difficult bird to observe but this one was actively searching. We kept watching it scurrying around and were able to see all of it, but not always at the same time. It was the best view, for both of us, of this species. And on the way back on to N332, a Robin- Petirrojo. Always good to see.

We were not done yet and went to Clot de Galvany. The Large Hide with a great expanse of water in front of it - was quiet. The usual were there, but only in small numbers. Only one Black-necked Grebe- Zampullin Cuellinegro and several Little Grebes - Zampullin Común .  No ducks in any quantity with Common Pochard - Porrón Europeo and two White Headed Ducks - Malvasia  Cabeciblanca in the distance. Not one to indicate that winter is here! Okay Kingfishers - Martin Pescador flew as always. But then we got a treat for only a brief moment as a lovely Grey Wagtail - Lavandera Cascadeña landed in front of us, but not long enough for Bryan to get a photo. Just beautiful.

There were numerous Starlings (Estornino) in the reeds and these were having a difficult time as a Marsh Harrier was flying low over the reeds and making numerous fly-pasts.

Bryan will compile a list of what we did see for this trip as we don't mention every sighting. And just to show that we don't miss much!

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