Monday 1 April 2019



It is a damn good question. It's also the title of a book, by Guy Shrubsole, to be published by Harper Collins in April. It is said to be the story of how England’s elite came to own land; The aristocrats, the Church, businessmen and corporations who hold the power of who can do what.
It is claimed to be an inspiring manifesto of how to open up our countryside once more and perhaps it will sit alongside The People’s Manifesto that was launched last year.

I have been following the killing that has been, is being and will continue to be reported of the illegal activity of killing our wildlife. There seems to be a tortuous path to take to ensure that we can prevent, gather evidence and pursue to a successful prosecution. The organizations that hold our precious land in their grasp are not doing what I want them to do. To protect what we have and save it for the future. That is why I asked the question ‘who owns Britain’? The natural question that follows that one is ‘Why do they own what they do’?

Wild Justice are taking legal action against Natural England regarding the issue of licenses to kill our wild birds. It seems that legally anything can be killed. This has to stop. There is no need for it except in the minds of those that do. It is a ’mindset’ that has to be changed. Yes, we could change the mind of gamekeepers. (That's a good title to protect what they are paid to protect and kill anything and everything that threatens anything they don't like.) it is the people who have the power that need to have their minds reset.

I wish I could start this Spring month of April on more of a good note but only last week a Common Buzzard was shot dead in North Yorkshire and all one has to do is to follow the Raptor Persecution site to know what is being reported. In a better moment the University of Wales has stopped pheasant shooting on their land. It is something and we just have to progress and keep at it.

I intend to look closely at organizations that are there for conservation but seem to be ‘riding two horse’ at the same time.

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