Friday 14 December 2018

THE FILM - ROBIN HOOD (but not as we know it)

Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves, Men in Tights and all that hype. This is all about another film and the title is about as close as I can get, with hindsight, to the story. It definitely is an enhanced version!

I was not enthused until I found that the critics had not been kind and then I thought that I would decide for myself and we saw it.

Having got over the fact that Alan Rickman is no longer the Sheriff of Nottingham, and he has been replaced by a good substitute, I enjoyed it. It was fun and very different. Nottingham has been moved. It is no longer landlocked and it is a port! The architecture has changed and we have wooden structures being raced over by horses and wagons. Add to that some soldiers that seemed to have escaped from Star Wars. So much action with sword fights and a lot of leaping about.

It kept moving all the time and there is a serious side to it. For example, a new take on historic mines disputes with the working class being treated as definitely lower class oikes. They rebel, of course, because that what's they did in history and because they are subject to taxes that are forcibly ripped from them. The script writers ramped up the rhetoric even more and added religion into it - in name only of course. They had the audacity to introduce ambitious, scheming, controlling clergy high office as stake holders of the treasury. The scumbags - not Church of England - and there is more. What did they plan to do with all the wealth robbed from the poor?

The clue, maybe, is that this film is set around the time of the Crusades, but it is not that simple.
I enjoyed it, but I was outnumbered three to one. Perhaps I was the only one to hear the script clearly.

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