Wednesday 19 December 2018



I have clear memories of the hunt meeting in Ledbury with their redcoats, smart horses and the Fox Hounds being friendly and polite. It can be said that it is in the name of tradition or another view could be that it is propaganda. It brings people out on Boxing Day Morning and it is a ‘spectacle’. And the purpose is for only one thing. And it is not pleasant or necessary.

The ‘spectacle’ is the nice bit and all jolly and festive. I have nothing against the hounds or the horses and the question I ask what really is the purpose of killing foxes? Farmers have always considered them a pest and, as such, should be dealt with as vermin and the countryside verse always gave the fox a bad name. Killing for fun as it slaughtered a chicken roost, it has been said.

But shouldn't we move on. Chasing over the fields with the hounds and riders only intent on one thing - to kill a wild animal. That's not sport.

Please read the following:

This appeal came to me from The League Against Cruel Sports.

A Boxing Day massacre is fast approaching...

As you read this email, the hunting season is well underway. Active fox, hare and deer hunts are terrorising wildlife across the length and breadth of our country.
What’s more, the infamous Boxing Day hunts are just 15 days away. We desperately need your help today to help protect our wildlife.

This year, our Animal Crimewatch public reporting service has received the most calls, emails and online reports on our records.
To combat this, we’re working around the clock to monitor wildlife crime, campaign for stronger animal welfare laws, and safeguard wildlife on our sanctuaries.
But all this vital work can only continue thanks to the support of caring individuals like you.

My view is it is time for a change ‘our’ wildlife needs protecting and I could say much more, but this is the end of this blog.

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