Friday 5 July 2024



Thursday 4 July 2024


This Wednesday, 3rd July, we had packed the car on Tuesday evening and left via our vets  for an appointment for both Ed & Minnie to be checked and wormed prior to our exit from Spain into UK.  We know they are fit and healthy but it has to be officially confirmed.

This is a coast to coast journey — from Costa Blanca to Santander in the Bay of Biscay. We had not driven this route since 2006 when we arrived for our Spanish adventure. We have enjoyed our years in San Miguel but the summer heat we consider is well worth leaving behind and so our Cornish Adventure continues.

The trip north took us through the ‘prairie lands’ - it could be said they are the breadbasket of Spain. The landscape has been well manicured by human hand. Much corn has been cut and straw bailed but the combine harvesters were still at it. On approaching the area around Madrid the topography changed as though other forces had been at work. Rocky outcrops and mounds decorated with pine trees. Later as we carried on north towards Burgos the motorway took on a different perspective with rises and falls and sweeping curves. The central reservations were now a blaze of bright yellow with Broom replacing Mediterranean Oleanders. 

We arrived at Montermoso Hotel in 28 degrees and a clear blue sky. It is ideal with space outside for us and for the dogs. Estrella Galicia went down very well as we sat in the shade and cooled down after the heat of the day. A relaxing few minutes after the busy days we have spent getting here. Birding wise, just four Red Kites.

We were recommend this hotel and would stay there again as it suits our needs. We left at 9am taking the motorway to Burgos. We noted that harvesting seem later this far north. Although impressed with Burgos it was planned to take the scenic mountainous route onward to Santander. We would do it again as it was spectacular. The sheer rocky cliffs and deep valleys were a joy to gaze at. Here there were more scattered stands of trees, extensive agriculture with grazing cattle  (cowbells sounding) and horses too. a Skylark sang some where above us. after the heat of the southern coast we noticed a chill in the breeze and enjoyed the cool of it. 

Birds are always on our itinerary with Common Buzzards seen around the hotel. On route vultures,  a definite Black Kite and also Red as well and we think a Short-toed Eagle, in one town two nests of White Storks. There would have been more sightings if we had the time. 

Carrefour to stock up and then we were queuing to get on board Pont Aven and to enjoy the scenery as we felt the swell of the Bay of Biscay. It’s all so easy on board and the other dogs owners are a friendly bunch. We dock at 11am in Plymouth.


 We’re fully prepared—and I am trying not to sound as a politician would sound!— but we are fully prepared. This is the penultimate morning before we get into a fully laden car —dogs as well, of course — to make a return trip to Santander. We came via there over 18 years ago and have not been to that port since. Hopefully the weather will be kind and we can enjoy the views as we sail on Pont Avon. Our binoculars will be ready and we will do some sea-watching.

I have read my words on last years adventure and decided to repeat some of my initial thoughts. The important things for us to remember is that we have taken certain actions that will benefit us this summer.

This is what I have said before.

Up to 2006 we lived close by where I sat writing this. We decided to leave for two reasons, firstly it is the wettest place in Cornwall and secondly there were financial considerations so we left and made a home 45 minutes south of Alicante. Summers in Spain are hot and we have discussed many times how we could get out of the heat and humidity, if we could. Last September the three of us, Michelle, my son Matt had the same conversation to which I added ‘I still have a piece of land in Cornwall’. So the idea began to germinate. Matt is a camper and loves being outdoors. Then the researching, planning and examination of the possibilities took place. Ten months later we were where we planned to be.

We have been fully wrapped up in our North Cornish Adventure surrounded by natural beauty that we love. We have an oasis where plant, birds and the insects are thriving. On the edge of the moor there is less intensive farming as in the case lower down. The grassy fields are fertilized naturally. The hedgerows offer an abundance of vegetation and each dog walk allows me to discover and identify other species. The dogs investigate all the smells and show me small animal routes. The badgers have well worn paths as they journey over hedgerows. Other species may use them too.

Our ‘platt’ is small but a haven for wildlife and ourselves. We left it 17 years ago for the wild where  Blackthorn became ‘king’. The ‘digger’ came in to uproot it. The mass of blackthorn was reduced by chipping but the tangly roots we are left with. There is in a mound 6 feet high, at least six across and 30 foot in length.. We will investigate its inhabitants at some stage. It’s covered in nettle, ferns and Himalayan Balsam. That particular flower has been a source of nourishment for bees and insects and helped them through the storms. Firstly Antoni and then Betty. They blew hard.

Each morning the vegetation on our root mass mound is a gentle hum of insects, honey bees and Buff-tailed Bumble Bees. I hope to create more feeding opportunities for them by adding to the naturally growing wild flowers. We will consider carefully how we do this. By clearing the site opportunity has been given to everything else other than the mass of Blackthorn that dominated. iIts value is still treasured. Grasses are now growing tall and are seeding as well as all the flowers that have sprung now they can see the sun.

I wrote last time, 11,138 words, most of them retrospectively. That total did include poems and inspiration may re-occur to get something poetic again. We now have the means to power our devices and therefore we can write every day and blog.

Tuesday 2 July 2024