Thursday 6 October 2022



BISCAY, FINISTERRE SHANNON AND **CKALL. And the forecast gave a percentage chance of rain but we avoided getting wet. We have local rain here and so it proved as we returned home.  We could do with a good soaking but avoiding a deluge - please. But the birds - all of them made our day.

It’s back to normal business now winter is approaching with our default position set from Gran Alacant towards Santa Aguada  and back towards La Marina. We do it this way around as the sun stays shining on our backs. 

The lagoons at the bottom of the Santa Pola turn-off were devoid of most of the usual. A Sandwich Tern - Charran Patinegro flew over with a loud grating ‘kerrick’. There were many others too flying and perched. A group of gulls were in the same place as always but lacked the presence  of a Lesser Black-backed - Gaviota Sombría. 

By the Salt Tower and by The Stones we could see a large feeding frenzy in the far distance. We presumed Gulls, Terns and whatever else. Three Spoonbills - Espátula Comun flew over but where were the rest?

On the water 13 Gadwall - Ánade Friso showed well with some Mallard - Ánade Azulon. Two distant Large White Egrets - Garceta Grande were with Little Egrets - Garceta Comun. Waders mostly absent except for Redshank - Archibebe Comun and Green shank Archibebe Oscuro and we saw both of those at El Pinet.

At our fourth stop and in the distance a good number of Stone Curlews - Alcaravan which is the norm here. A Ringed Plover - Chorlitejo Grande and one Little Stint - Correlimos Menudo were on a distant shore. There are usually others and perhaps the winter months will bring more in. A few Linnets - Pardillo Comun passed by.

We ventured inland paying attention to everything. We are still searching for the winter areas for Trumpeters - Camachuela Trompetero and in doing so we had good views of Tree Sparrows - Gorrión Molinero which are always not easy to spot. On wires were large numbers of Starlings and the camera proved they were Estornino Pinto now wintering with us and one wire was loaded up with 150 Wood Pigeons - Paloma Torcaz. Later we counted 5 sightings of Common Kestrels - Cernicalo Vulgar with one bird being unusually pale. The photo will tell more. As we headed towards Santa Aguada we had our first autumn sighting of a male Booted Eagle - Aguila Calzada. He looked great and we later saw three circling.

There is now a ‘highway’ into the education centre at S.A. all new tarmac and so there had to be something else going on. Once I have assimilated all the information we gained I will blog further. Apart from small birds calling and remaining hidden there was little I can say. There was no bloody water!

Our birds of the day, so far were the Booted and Michelle had a great view of a Little Owl - Mochuelo Europeo and then!

We are always on the look out for a flooded field and there it was. A field full of feeding birds. We  had not seen a Glossy Ibis - Morito Comun all day and then there were up to 200 of them. And with about the same number of Cattle Egrets -Garcilla Bueyera. A green watery meadow of black and white and more.

Feeding too, were two Green Sandpipers - Andarrios Grande, 12 Wood Sandpipers - A. Bastardo and if that wasn’t enough - 14 Ruff - Combatiente. What was missing were any Wagtails! (Lavandera). Good on for Bry for his eyes and ID skills.

I haven’t listed all but I need to get a grip on my ID skills and look out for more as there are still so many that should be out there. It was very good to get out to see what there is. All to enjoy.

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