Monday 16 May 2022

The Salinas and Inland of Gran Alacant

What a great morning it turned out to be. The ’nobinsbirdclub’ met this beautiful summer morning with a change of crew, but not totally as the effervescent Bryan Thomas was on board for his skills. A sea mist had rolled in and we discussed where to go. We headed for the Salinas as it started to lift. Our first stops yielded only the usual few but included one Kentish Plover -  Chorlitejo Patinegro and a Purple Heron -Garza Imperiel flew over. In fact it was our first of three with more Kentish to be seen later. El Pinet was very busy with Little Terns -  Charran Común and Whiskered Terns -  Fumarel Cariblanco . Avocets - Avoceta were numerous and in the distance Collared Pratincoles - Canestra Común.  In one area we came upon a good number of Greenfinches - Verderón of both sexes feeding in the bushes.  Our waders have gone north so we had to make do with another Kentish.

We went in land with targets to find, see and film. We got very lucky with two Rollers - Carraca sitting on a fence at head height and seemingly impervious to us. The photos will prove it. One was displaying its wings to catch the sun and that incredibly stunning brown was spread out. It flew, returned and dropped down onto the road, spreading its wings and then up to the fence with food in its mouth. The other bird just sat there and so did we. We did little work to find these two except to be there. Our tally for this species was seven. 

Constantly calling were Green Woodpeckers - Pinto Real. Gull-billed Terns - Pagaza Piconegra flew over the farmland.

Michelle and I had not been out lately and so we wanted to see Bee-eater - Abejaruco Común . There were some around but not that many. The same applied to Turtle Doves - Tortola Europea that were seen but not in an easy position to photograph, but not Bryan for he got a shot off. Great-spot Cuckoos - Criala Europea. flew around but we couldn’t really get near one. Next time then. Over the vegetation, flying low, were Pallid Swifts -  Vencejo Pálido and it was thought maybe some Common Swifts - Vencejo Común too. Not easy to spot but Bryan was listening to their calls.

I have not listed every species and the quality of what we saw was excellent. As a general comment we only say what we have actually seen and as often as possible with a current photo.

We don’t believe in stringing people along and there have been adverse comments from an individual who has objected to us suggesting that some untruths have been told by others. 

It could have been the mountains this morning but we made the correct decision and stayed local. Friday should be Monnegre and with luck we could locate one of the rarest birds in Valencia. 

I now have two blogs - Notes from a Birder and Writer where this one is posted and my other one, where I only post stories, poetry and book reviews on

You can also find our photos on Instagram on No Bins Bird Club.


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