Sunday 3 November 2019

League Against Cruel Sports

This is the latest from The League Against Cruel Sports
Our Election Promise

Dear John,

As you are no doubt aware, there is going to be a general election on 12th December 2019.

This is a vital opportunity to change the political landscape in favour of Britain’s wildlife, and make significant forward steps to bring an end to hunting for good. It is for this reason that once again, the League will be hitting the general election campaign trail.

But what can the League realistically do?

Prior to the snap general election of 2017, the outlook was bleak. A pro-hunt majority being returned to parliament for the first time in more than decade was very much on the cards and signalled the death of the Hunting Act and all that the League had achieved. Despite pre-election predictions, 2017 became a landmark year for the progression of Animal Welfare. Fox hunting was a major part of that election campaign and in very large part due to the role that the League played.

Theresa May pledged her support for fox hunting and for a vote to make it legal again. After an intense campaign by the League, and a significant loss of votes, the pledge for a free vote on the repeal of the Hunting Act was dropped by the government.

The 2019 election is an opportunity to finally secure and strengthen the Hunting Act and put an end to the cruel sport that plagues Britain’s wildlife. There will be roadshows up and down the country, a website that allows you to contact your candidates, and all the tools you need to get out on the street and campaign for animals.

Expect to hear a lot more from me in the coming weeks.

Thanking you in advance for your support.
Nick Weston
Head of Campaigns

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