Friday 20 September 2019



Days ago the rain came and drenched the earth and every living thing. The most water seen in decades descended upon the land. A Gota Fria - a cold drop, came and reduced fields to lakes, moved soil and boulders, made roads un-useable and killed. Homes and businesses ruined and livelihoods removed by the storm.

Less than one week afterwards we headed towards Almansa via A 31 not knowing what to expect or see or how far we could go. It was a great day.

This is how it unfolded. Coral Rubio, Bonete and Pedrola we have visited many times only to be disappointed by the low levels of water and with previously wet areas dry. Not so this morning for the lagoons were in good health and many folds in the land were flooded. This is what we wanted to see. The waders now had water!

This is Great Bustard country and, as always, they showed well. Just five to start with, then a group of eight followed a little later by thirteen and then two separate ones from the main bunch. We had splendid views of them walking, resting and flying. What a sight they gave us. I love to see them fly. We never push them and give them distance and the respect these grand birds deserve.

The migration is going on. Barn Swallows were evident and Bee-eaters were flying overhead.
On the water Gadwall, Shoveller, and numerous Mallard were seen. Lapwings too, a couple of Ruff, a small number of Black-tailed Godwits, a single Common Sandpiper was spotted and even two Greenshank. Okay, not an immense list with many species not seen or yet to arrive. We think that this winter could be good.

Smaller birds were Corn Bunting, Rock Sparrow, with occasional Goldfinches and then a large flock of Yellow Wagtails on passage. They helped to make it a great afternoon with superb views. We had clear sightings of Northern Wheatears too.

Common Kestrels with one Lesser male identified, several Buzzards and Marsh Harriers made up the raptor count with not an eagle anywhere to be seen. A rapid flying Peregrine Falcon was an excellent sighting to complete our day.

Our plan for this morning was different from other days that we had travelled towards this area. The Embalse de Almansa received massive amounts of water due to the Gota Fria and the news items that we viewed reminded me of its existence and the signposts I had seen for the Patano de Almansa. It is a massive area lying to the south of the town and between A31 and CM412 (signed Montealegre. We only ‘scratched the surface’ of it and we will return. We like to find new areas.

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