Sunday 31 March 2013



You need another book to read? Then try this ‘new-to-me ‘author, Paul Cleave. I have just read his third novel ‘Cemetery Lake’ where bodies pop-up where they should not. I found it to be different and I thoroughly enjoyed. In a nutshell it is about a cop that becomes an ex-cop after a personal tragedy to become, not surprisingly, an investigator.

After reading it I can say it was not a good decision for him for it leads him through physical damage, the subject of serious allegations and more trauma than anyone really needs. This book has more twists and turns than a Formula One circuit. The words move fast on the page, in his own style, of short sentences and sometimes chapters.

It is set in Christchurch, New Zealand an unlikely place, I thought. The main area that the book does focus on is a cemetery, his home and the ‘cop shop’. It is not a good advert for the city but who cares for this book is about the fairly recent past and for those who have suffered there and not an historical tour.

This story is about Tate battling it out against two ex-colleagues to get his murderer after being hindered by his past, booze and some devious goings-on. There are other intriguing bits that entertain - so read it.


This is the latest one of her Alexandra Cooper novels where this prosecutor deals with the criminal elements with her two cohorts, Mercer Wallace and Mike Chapman. There are the usual battles with politicians in charge of New York. There are again the dialogues between the main participants that are the style of this accomplished writer which many of her fans will appreciate.

However, this story is about ‘Coop’s’ lover, Luc, a restaurateur in the South of France. There is death of course that he seemingly becomes involved in it. If you can ignore the love story aspect that is a major element from the beginning to the final chapter then is there enough to hold the reader? Maybe there is but I was irritated by the attitude shown to the local police considering them to be not able to deal with a murder scene unlike the expertise that is very evident in Manhattan. We are the best they would say!

Then we go to Brooklyn where the remainder of the story is set. There we see the financial deals between various parties take over where poor Luc seems to be coming off ‘second best’. It is well woven with intrigue which becomes evident as the tale unravels. Of course, well written but I don’t think that I will read another of this series.

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