Tuesday 15 October 2024

Wild Service — Why Nature Needs You. Chapter 3

Book Title Wild Service — Why Nature Needs You

Recommoning by Nadia Shaikh, Isle of Bute,

Chapter Three

Edited by Nick Hayes with Jon Moses

Publisher Bloomsbury

I have reviewed and recently posted the first two chapters.

This next chapter is also moving through the concepts as to ‘Why Nature Needs You’.  Chapter three by Nadia Shaikh continues it on for just more 12 pages. ‘Recommoning’, not to be taken as to creating ‘commons’, in the old fashion idea, of where areas of land are shared as a collective of grazing rights. It is a greater idea than that and is much simpler in that people take ownership of an area, however small, and basically go with the flow; live with it and in it.  

In her own way she attacks the idea of nature reserves, but in the sense, they are only available for a few where access is limited to those that feel they can go there. She talks of diversity and that such places seem only for the privileged white folk. 

The writer includes a passage by Rachel Naomi Remen and then a reference to ‘inner healing’ and, my interpretation, of being at one with nature. Nadia asks the question who are we in service to? We may consider we are doing the correct thing but who are we actually serving? Nature or ourselves? As humans we are inclined to want to control and say to ourselves we know best. The natural world has a way of taking care of itself, if we let it. 

This is a tremendously informative chapter that I have read over several times. I found much to reflect upon. It has given me one more dimension to consider and how to move forward.


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