Tuesday 18 May 2021



There is definitely nothing that beats getting out there. This morning (18th) we stayed local and did what we know best and it started very well. It was the usual route. The salinas opposite Playa Lisa gave us our first raptor for ages. It was a “percher” sitting distant on a pylon - a Peregrine Falcon - Halcón Peregrino.  Generally it was quiet on the water with Red Crested Pochard - Porrón Europea and a Squacco Heron - Garcilla Cangrejera in the reeds. Opposite the Salt Tower were several Collared Pratincole - Canestera Común. The Stones gave us several good views of Yellow Wagtails - Lavandera Boyera. They must be nesting here. Scores of Little Terns -  Charran Común were very busy. Oddly there was a solitary Great White - Garceta Grande

We checked El Pinet out from the urbanisation side in an effort to see if there were any Caspian Terns - Pagaza Piquirroja there. None on view but the islands contained nesting Black-headed Gulls - Gaviota Cabecinegre, and Common Terns - Charran Común 

Inland now and we headed to the ‘Monastry’ for Rollers - Curraca and on the way we watched and photographed at least four Great Spotted Cuckoos -  Criala Europea. There was a lot of squabbling going on with plenty of calls. They were at the ‘Monastry’ too as we watched at least 4 Rollers giving us flypasts as they fought for territory. They reminded me of Lapwings - in their ariel acrobatics. We enjoyed them. Common Kestrels - Cernicalo Vulgar were in attendance too. On route there we saw over 30 plus Auduoin’s Gulls - Gaviota de Auduoin sitting in a tilled field. They are a smart gull. Add into that route Bee-eaters - Abejaruco

After all of that we needed a flooded field and it was very evident that fields have been cut and harvested but not the corn. Cattle Egrets - Garcilla Bueyara were feeding behind the tractors and Glossy Ibis - too.

On one field, recently cut, Whiskered Terns - Fumarel Cariblanco were flying fast and low in substantial numbers. What a show.

We kept on checking the skies and where are those Eagles? Not a one and not even a Common Buzzard - Ratonero Común or a Marsh Harrier - Aguilucho Luganero. We’ll get them sometime.

Palm Farm Road yielded us a spooked Purple Heron - Garza Imperiel and only our second of the day. Butterflies were around feeding in the verges. Small and Large Whites, Painted Ladies and a couple of Red Admirals. By the canal there is a field of thistles in bloom and that is worth checking out.

Heading back via Bellavista in those fields where work is being carried out many Collared Pratincoles. 

At the Caribassi Road we saw a gorgeous male Greenfinch - Vederon together with Serin - Verdecillo and amongst the pines several Spotted Flycatchers - Papamoscas Gris were only glimpsed. But as usual we end with some good ones. Long tailed Tits - Mito, in a family group with some in juvenile plumage and being fed. They are so wonderful to see. And one lizard too.

Next time out we will give more thought to search in other areas which we do know but require more attention.

Oh! I almost forgot we worked hard but no Lanner Falcon! (Halcón Borni)

Then when writing this up I find that the news declares a Peregrine Falcon has been shot near the home of Boris Johnston - that’s number 10 which belongs to the people! What else will people blame him for. He only decorated a flat.

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