Monday 18 July 2016



A cockroach lay on it's back this morning, motionless, but not to be presumed lifeless. And so it was until I encased it in a plastic tumbler which activated it. It climbed the smooth sides, fell back, agitated it's body and climbed again and again.

This was my lesson for this morning that when there is something that I don't like, something that I think is wrong and an issue that needs addressing then I should get on with it whatever the odds against seem to be.

In my lifetime there has always been a news item reporting on the commencement of the 'grouse shooting season' on 12th August and it has been like a 'drip feed' into our psyche that it is all okay. The norm, but why should it be?

The idea that birds can be shot in the name of sport is only one small piece of what is actually occurring. To get those defenseless birds up into the air there has to be a lot more going on. Environments and habitats have to be manicured for the birds to be raised in with moorland being prevented from doing it's environmental job of soaking up rain water and the loss of territory for our other bird species has enormous consequences. Build into the scenario the killing of beautiful birds of prey that gamekeepers and their bosses consider a menace to their precious grouse then it becomes even more abhorrent to me.

The 'Real Price of Grouse' Episode One follows other videos and articles by Chris Packham. Many words will be said again and again and the brief words 'Sport v Slaughter' and the 'Not So Glorious 12th' encompasses my thoughts.

Let is keep the words flowing against those people who have the ill-considered right to change our landscape and kill for the sake of it.

Please read the blogs, watch the videos and sign the petition and Google the various sites for more information. There should be more to follow from me.

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