Monday 25 July 2016

Harrogate Crime Writer's Save the Best for Last

Once Sunday (24th) morning has arrived then you know that it is almost time to go, but you are still drawn back for the last two events and fortunately we stayed for them.

The first event was POLITICAL CORRUPTION chaired by Charles Cumming, a master of spy thrillers, and if you have yet to pick up any of his books then, in my opinion, you should. He was assisted by two well known names in Frank Gardner and Mark Lawson. Gillian Slovo's childhood was surrounded by political intrigue in apartheid South Africa where her parents were involved in the fight against white supremacy. The fourth person was Kate Rhodes who has focused her recent attention to the urban landscape of London. This collection of people in one space was fascinating and intriguing. The hour went rapidly by and I just wanted to listen to more of the same. Afterwards, me included, were saying that it was the best hour of the festival.

We are living through a very political and stressful time and since the note in the programme says: 'The world of politicians is rich fodder for the crime genre. Riddled with corruption, fury, and the power mad' and with that premise in mind the comments were meaningful. In examining the scenario for this it was said that to create a story set two years hence could be superseded by events. The last few news laden weeks have proved that point. Truth was discussed, or more precisely the lack of it and the extent that 'cover ups' are common.

There must be a story in the simple fact that more people are engaging in politics because of the mistrust that we have with politicians and establishments. It is a devious world in which we live and with the unacceptable face of capitalism and with the unscrupulous pocketing of millions, a news line of this morning, emphasizes it.

All five of this panel have new books. I will research what they have on offer and they book titles were mentioned, but it was the subject matter of the conversations that made this the best hour I have ever spent in three visits to Harrogate. They saved the best for last, but how many people missed it as a consequence?

I sat in for the last event which was Peter James talking to Peter Robinson. My concentration and thoughts were still with the previous event and I am sure that fans of either man would have found it worthwhile, but I just sat back, relaxed and coasted.

I am told that we have 70 new books in total with 20 of those 'free'. We are in budget and well within our weight limits. That is a success in it's own right, but it is the event itself that excites and stimulates. It has been so successful that I wish I could do it all again.

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