Saturday 28 October 2023


 Wallace has a history of protecting hunts from his time at the Ministry of Defence, of course. He previously refused to do anything about hunts like the notorious Royal Artillery (RAH) which is utterly dependent on access to MoD land like Salisbury Plain. In fact in December 2022 he terminated a long-standing Memorandum of Understanding with activists on the RAH's behalf. ITV's Rupert Evelyn quoted Wallace's 'reasons' (which used the same wearily familiar terminology) and which again missed the point that his accusations include the very same things that sabs and monitors level at hunts: "The defence secretary cited ‘security concerns as well the behaviour of protesters and their attire which is intimidating to other users’.”

Why go on the attack now?

So Wallace, like many other members of the current government, supports hunting. He’d kept it hidden to an extent, but the gloves are now clearly off.

But why launch his attack now?

That is easily explained: the Conservatives have just been thumped in several by-elections, they are on course to heavily lose next year's General Election, and - which is the main point here - they are desperately scrabbling around for what they consider to be the safe 'countryside' vote.

Wallace is not the only one looking to trigger the apparently aggrieved countryfolk who are supposedly looking for an MP who supports their fever dreams about sabs and monitors (and beavers, badgers, and birds of prey). Other Conservatives have dropped the pretence of caring about wildlife and the environment and launched a new rightwing pressure group which - in terms of wildlife legislation - wants to send the UK back to Victorian times. 

Called Conservative Friends of the Countryside (CFC), its members include the same vociferous pro-hunt and pro-shooting MPs that have long spoken as one with the Countryside Alliance and BASC (the shooting lobbyists) and who in the last twelve months have derailed Parliamentary debates on snares and on shooting Woodcock (see “Through the looking glass with the shooting lobby”). Prominent loudmouth Sir Bill Wiggin, MP for North Herefordshire for example, wants the ban on foxhunting overturned, calling the Hunting Act “class war”. Another founder member is Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, the Old Etonian MP for the Cotswolds, who is an outspoken shooting campaigner with close ties to BASC and who in July was calling on Ministers to overturn the decision to withdraw General Licence 43 for shoots releasing pheasants on special protection areas. (SSSIs). Little wonder the Fieldsports Channel (a YouTube feed devoted to killing wildlife) dub Clifton-Brown “our unofficial minister for shooting”.

Also on the committee of CFC is George Bowyer, formerly of the Fitzwilliam Hunt and chair of Vote-OK, a lobby group which tries to get pro-hunting MPs elected, and Amanda Anderson, former PR and ‘public face’ of the Moorland Association, a group of grouse shoot owners who’s Director resigned just this week, days before being charged with the illegal burning of his own moorland.

CFC is calling for continuing the burning of peatland (of course); a halt in the release of beavers (remarkable eco-engineers that increase biodiversity wherever they live); continuing the use of bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides (who wouldn’t want to wipe out pollinators when there’s a short-term profit to be made?); and stopping a ban on imports of hunting trophiesfrom endangered animals (any apparent restriction on the rights of shooters is a line these people don’t want crossed).

Wallace and CFC aren’t the only die-hards on manoeuvres though. Just last month another ‘hardcore’ right-wing anti-wildlife pressure group tried to make its mark and flopped in front of an unimpressed public. Billing itself as "a new political party committed to forcing Westminster to respond to the needs of rural communities", the wannabe politicos at Rural Reaction (or Rural Reactionaries as they will surely come to be known) say that "for rural voters their relationship with the Conservative Party is like a bad marriage".

They are attempting to tap into the same supposedly populist vote that Wallace and CFC is apparently hoping to woo. But the stark reality for both the lumpen Wallace, the anachronistic CFC, and the soon-to-disappear Rural Reaction, though, is that a majority of voters EVERYWHERE want out of their dismal 13-year marriage to the enviornment-bashing Conservatives.

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