Friday 19 May 2023


I'm Rob and for the past 8 years I have led Protect the Wild (formerly known as Keep the Ban).

It's been an incredible journey building this movement of like-minded people all united in our goal to end hunting and shooting for good. 

But I would be lying if I said it has been easy or straightforward. I have made mistakes along the way and every day I face new obstacles to overcome.

And up until this point I have found new ways to take the organisation forward and further our aims.

But I have to be brutally honest that we find ourselves at a crossroads.

The cost of living crisis has hit us hard. But I don't believe we should give in when animals need us most. 

The reality is we are really up against it. I wouldn't be writing this email if this wasn't the case. It has become harder to fundraise more than ever as people are having to make tough decisions about how they spend their income.

We don't have major donors or large backers but I don't want to give in or have to scale down our work. Every component is so vital in our mission to protect wildlife.

I fund and support undercover investigators even if we aren't guaranteed an outcome because this is the right thing to do. 

I employ journalists to cover issues of wildlife persecution because these stories so often go untold. Wildlife deserves a voice.

I give out grants to hunt saboteur groups and wildlife rescues because these people are heroes and should always be supported.

I am ambitious and determined to keep fighting. I want to keep making strides forwards. And I have even bigger plans for how we can do even more to end hunting and shooting for good.

This is just the beginning. Help me stand up to animal abusers and continue my work with Protect the Wild.

These next few months are going to be tough and this is where I need your help. If you are able to support my work with Protect the Wild I ask you to please consider giving the equivalent of a cup of coffee each month so that we can end the barbarism sooner rather than later.

Thank you for your incredible support over the last 8 years!
Together we will end hunting and shooting for good.


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