Friday 11 August 2017

The Day Before The Slaughter

Here it is again that day before Red Grouse can legally be blasted out of the sky by those that are able to afford to do it. Apparently, that is a sport!

I understand that traditions and culture have remained for centuries and in a decade where it seems where many that are involved in conservation are 'light' years away and miles apart from those that damage the environment and kill for pleasure. Red Grouse are one species that is bred to be shot, but what else goes on?

It is perceived by the breeders that anything that is seen as a danger to the rearing, feeding and the general health of Red Grouse should be exterminated. So let's wipe out the predators and slaughter the Mountain Hares and that is what is happening in a country where we boast about the RSPB, National Trust and other organizations. Yet still the slaughter goes on.

This year only four breeding pairs of Hen Harriers have been recorded and this sad total is in a country that boasts of animal protection and could support a population of over three hundred pairs.

Only yesterday, Raptor Persecution UK posted the following allegedly from West Yorkshire Firearms Licensing that "Study finds Grouse Moors protect rare birds - contrary to media opinion!
Retweet This!" WhiteMoorSporting apparently being the source. Hopefully not that many will! Impartiality should exist, but not with this tweet.

On the same day West Yorkshire Police announced that they were investigating the theft of eggs from a Marsh Harrier nest that was being monitored by RSPB. It was video protected, but unless it was being continually monitored what effect would that produce? Stolen eggs unfortunately and maybe for the eggs to be incubated and for the birds to be bred in captivity. It happens, and there are still collectors out there. It is an age old pastime. Oh yes! The video footage was not of sufficient quality to enable an identification of the perpetrators. And not forgetting that this another wildlife crime.

It seems that those of us that care about wildlife protection are being ignored and being continually frustrated by those that kill for pleasure and slaughter birds and animals that should exist side-by-side with us. It seems those with political power are aiders and abettors!

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